
     Research for Developing Principles of Heritage Interpretation and Presentation

    Following the concept and definition research (2022-23), WHIPIC aims to develop new international principles of interpretation and presentation, responding to global agenda and issues in the contemporary world that has changed from the context of Freeman Tilden(1957) and Ename Charter(2008).


    • (2024) Principles Drafting
    • (2025) Consultation with stakeholders
    • (2026) Developing into International Charter for World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation

    Research Progress


    Principle drafting through Baseline research and Working group

     *WHIPIC-Interpret Europe Memorandum of Understanding (Oct, 2024)
    2025Further research on 'meaning-making process', consultation with wider stakeholders and amending draft principlesComplete
    2026Developing into International Charter for World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation
    to be done