
     World Heritage Interpretation and  Presentation Research Cooperation and Networking

    WHIPIC is actively strengthening its knowledge capacity to address recent domestic and international research trends and issues by organizing research forums and joint seminars with other institutions. Through inviting external experts for lectures and discussions, WHIPIC aims to identify the direction of international research and promote networking with experts in Heritage Interpretation and Presentation. Furthermore, WHIPIC regularly shares its research outcomes and continuously seeks to build a foundation for research collaboration with related organizations.


    • Strengthen  WHIPIC’s capacity through sharing the recent research achievements in WHIPIC and related fields
    • Building a network of experts in Heritage Interpretation and Presentation, and Establishing a foundation for collaboration
    • In response to international trends, developing research topics and achieving results in heritage Interpretation and Presentation

    Research Contact

    • Kim Namwoong,
    • Years: 2023 – present
    • Status: Active

    Research Progress

    YearResearch TitleStatus

    (May.) Internal research forum

    Overview of 2022 research and sharing of future research plans

    (Jun.) Dr. Milagros Flores Román(ICOFORT)

    ‘The Interpretation on fortifications’

    (Sep.) Internal research forum

    Sharing information on the 2023 ICOMOS General Assembly & Academic Symposium, and the Side Event for the World Heritage Committee

    (Oct.) Prof. Lynn Meskell(University of Pennsylvania

    ‘World Heritage: Conflict, Cooperation and Heritage Change’

    (Nov.) Dr. Ryu Wansang, Lee Yeonggyu(KOREA NATIONAL PARK)

    ‘The UNESCO Natural Heritage Programs and International Cooperation’

    (Dec.) Prof. Neil Silberman(University of Massachusetts Amherst)

    ‘Heritage Storytelling: What is It? Why is It Important?’

    (Feb.) Internal research forum

    Sharing 2023 research achievements and 2024 research plans

    (May.) The workshop with Haman-gun County

    ‘Interpretation and Presentation Methods in Heritage Conservation and Management‘

    (May.) Rodney Harrison(University College London)

    ‘Reinterpreting Heritage for the Anthropocene‘

    (Jun.) Joint CGSI-WHIPIC international conference

    ‘History, Memory, and Heritage in the Age of Ecological Crisis‘

    (Jul.) Prof. Lynn Meskell(University of Pennsylvania)

    ‘Weaponizing Heritage from UNESCO to NATO‘

    (Aug.) Prof. Tim Winter(National University of Singapore)

    ‘Transnational heritage diplomacy and Geocultural politics‘