
     Research on Sites of Memory associated with conflicts

    • Over the past two decades, we have witnessed the process of historical sites related to world wars, mass atrocities, slavery, and colonial rule becoming part of our heritage.
    • Sites such as the Auschwitz-Birkenau German Nazi concentration camp (inscribed in 1979) and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial: Atomic Bomb Dome (inscribed in 1996) have been inscribed as World Heritage, defining their outstanding universal value as places of “peace and lessons” and preserving them.
    • Through Research on Sites of Memory associated with conflicts, WHIPIC ultimately aims to interpret heritage sites ethically and responsibly, and find ways to contribute to universal human values such as human rights, peace, and equality.


    Expansion of the Scope and Classification of Sites of Memory associated with conflicts

    • Recognition and Acknowledgment→ Reflection and Reconciliation → Commemoration and Memorialization → Solidarity and Transmission of Values
    • Strengthening community solidarity and transmitting universal values to future generations.

    Publication of a Handbook for Understanding and Interpreting Sites of Memory associated with conflicts

    • This resource, aimed at enhancing the understanding of field managers and the general public, will aid in effectively managing and interpreting Sites of Memory associated with conflicts

    Research Contact

    • Sujin Heo,
    • Years: 2022 – 2024
    • Status: Complete

    Research Progress

    YearResearch TitlePublication
    WHIPIC Roundtable 2022: Solidarity in Heritage Interpretation and Presentation: sharing experiences, spreading lessons

    Interpretation of UNESCO “Sites of Memory associated with Recent Conflicts”: Analysing its conflict structures and its classification

    A Comparative Study of the Expansive Role of Heritage in the Interpretation of Site(s) of Memory

    Handbook for Interpreting and Nominating Sites of Memory