



 Inclusive Heritage Interpretation Research


  • Respecting the diversity of human society, developing and sharing principles and methodologies for interpretation and presentation centered on people


  • Establishing a theoretical foundation and principles for the interpretation and presentation of heritage


  • The Research Office is organized into three main aspects.
    1. Theoretical research for defining the concept of ‘Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’ and developing principles
    2. Research on methodologies for implementing  Interpretation and Presentation
    3. Sharing research outcomes and building a network of experts in Heritage Interpretation and Presentation

  1. Theoretical Research on Heritage Interpretation and Presentation
    Defining the concept of ‘Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’ , Establishing principles of Heritage Interpretation and Presentation,  Developing into  International Charter for World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation
  2. Methodological Research on Heritage Interpretation and Presentation
    Exploring methodologies for developing foundational plans- interpretive strategies- implementation plans based on the principles of heritage interpretation and presentation,
  3. Sharing research outcomes and building a research network
    Publishing research reports essential for the theoretical and practical fields of interpretation and presentation, and hosting the international forum to share the outcomes of research projects

Mid-to-long-term plans

Main areaProject
Short-term (2022~2024)
Mid-term (2025~2027)
Long-term (2028~)
Theoretical Research on Heritage Interpretation and Presentation

Defining the concept of ‘Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’

Analyzing recent research and Defining the concept of ‘Heritage Interpretation and Presentation’

Establishing principles of Heritage Interpretation and PresentationEstablishing principles of Heritage Interpretation and Presentation
Research on detailed guidelines for applying Heritage Interpretation and Presentation Principles

Developing into  International Charter for World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation

Developing and adopting an International Charter for World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation
Publication of detailed guidelines on International Charter for World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation
Methodological Research on Heritage Interpretation and PresentationThematic research

Research on the Importance of Interpretation and Presentation for sustainable development

Research on Sites of Memory associated with conflicts

Publication of a Handbook for Understanding and Interpreting Sites of Memory associated with conflicts

Research on the Interpretation and Presentation of cultural landscapes
Research on Integrated Methodologies for Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural and Natural, Tangible and Intangible Heritage
Research on Developing "Interpretation Strategy"
Research on Interpretation Strategy for World Heritage sites featuring Criterion (vi)

Pilot projects for enhancing World Heritage Interpretation Strategy

Guidelines for establishing World Heritage Interpretation Strategy

Establishing Heritage Interpretation plans
Research on identifying attributes and values for heritage interpretation
Publication of guidelines for Establishing Heritage Interpretation plans
Publication of Step-by-Step Guidelines for Establishing Heritage Interpretation plans
Sharing research outcomes and building a research network
Publication of research reports on heritage interpretation and presentation
Publication of thematic research reports
Publication of thematic research reports
Publication of thematic research reports
Hosting the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation International Forum
Hosting the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation International Forum
Hosting the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation International Forum
Hosting the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation International Forum

World Heritage Interpretation Capacity-Building where people and heritage coexist


  • Strengthen heritage interpretation capabilities to think together so that people and heritage can have ma more mutual relationship


  • Provides guidelines and tools required for environmental response and inclusive awareness and protection of World Heritage Sites


  • The Education and Networking Office is largely composed of three pillars.
    1. A capacity building programmes that provides regional heritage interpretation education and training 
    2. A methodology development project that makes it easier to interpret
    3. Awareness-raising project that promotes heritage interpretation to the public

  1. Regional capacity-building project 
    Hold an annual World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation Workshop for World Heritage Administrators from the target regions, including the support regions(Africa, Asia) and the cooperation region (Arab States).
  2. Development of Heritage Interpretation Methodologies 
    Developing a toolkit for heritage interpretation plan (The Great Zimbabwe World Heritage site management and restoration project), an integrated approach to tangible and intangible heritage(East Asian World Heritage model), and a heritage interpretation curriculum.
  3. Heritage Interpretation Awareness Projects 
    Organizing side-event seminars at the World Heritage Committee meetings, publishing case studies on heritage interpretation and presentation, and holding heritage interpretation classes for local youth.

 World Heritage information for all


  • To provide an environment where every can speak their heritage values and understand each other’s values through a way of ‘communication’


  •  To enhance the feasibility of inclusive heritage interpretation and presentation through the method of 'information collection-processing and production-and dissemination’


  • The information and communication strategy is divided into three main areas.
    1. The World Heritage Informatisation Project
    2. Inclusive Heritage Presentation Programme
    3. WHIPIC’s Original Information Contents Project

  1. The World Heritage Informatisation Project
    Collecting primary data related to interpretation and presentation of world heritage, producing and distributing secondary information contents on World Heritage, and establishing a clearinghouse for interpretation and presentation of World Heritage
  2. Inclusive Heritage Presentation Programme
    Establishment of inclusive heritage interpretation guidelines for site managers, publication of best practices for heritage presentation, research on heritage presentation, etc
  3. WHIPIC’s Original Information Contents Project
    WHIPIC’s Periodical Magazine: Interpreting World Heritage, WHIPIC: We-Pick! Content Craft Lab Programme, e-newlsletter publication, etc.