The Third Issue of WHIPIC’s “INTERPRETING WORLD HERITAGE” Periodical Has Been Published!

30 Jul 2024

The third issue of WHIPIC's "INTERPRETING WORLD HERITAGE" periodical has been published!


In this issue, under the theme of "Storytelling: Connection to the Public," we cover examples of heritage stories, the story discovery process, and various examples of storytelling. Through these examples, we hope readers will gain an understanding of stories and storytelling and the relationship between heritage interpretation and presentation.

This issue begins with heritage stories and storytelling from Namibia, Jordan, the United States, Italy, India, and Brazil. It also features discussions on World Heritage festivals in Bahrain, the United States, and Korea, a look at Korea’s integration of storytelling and technology, and finally, the voices of the Zimbabwean community, bringing you vivid on-site stories.

In publishing our third issue, WHIPIC underwent numerous considerations and meetings. If storytelling is a way to increase heritage advocates, "Interpreting World Heritage" is an effort to engage all readers as heritage interpreters.

What World Heritage will we encounter, and how will we interpret and present them? Discover the storytelling that connects us to our heritage in “INTERPRETING WORLD HERITAGE”!


You can download the new issue through the link below.

International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites

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