Hosting the Side Event for the extended 46th World Heritage Committee - Sharing a Blueprint for World Heritage Interpretation Strategy

30 Jul 2024

The side event of the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee, titled "Understanding the Heritage Interpretation Strategy and Its Case Studies" was successfully held on July 25, 2024, in New Delhi, India. This event targeted member states of the World Heritage Committee, experts, and stakeholders, drawing attendance from over 150 experts from 40 countries, including Mexico, Italy, Japan, Zambia, and Australia.

Jointly organised by the International Centre for Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites (WHIPIC), the African World Heritage Fund, and the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage, this side event underscored international solidarity and cooperation beyond Korea, Africa, and Arab nations, featuring participation from Jyoti Hosagrahar, Director of the World Heritage Centre, as well as ambassadors from Korea, Kenya, and other African countries.

Director Changnam Hong delivering the opening remarks 

The event began with an introductory presentation by Haeree Shim the head of education and networking office of WHIPIC, who explained the definition of heritage interpretation and the concept of interpretation strategies. This was followed by case studies illustrating how these strategies are implemented in various contexts, featuring Zimbabwe's Great Zimbabwe World Heritage Site, Bahrain's Pearling Path World Heritage Site, and Namibia's Twyfelfontein World Heritage Site, presented by speakers from these respective countries.

Group photo

In the discussion session, site managers and experts from different countries shared best practices and challenges related to heritage interpretation, engaging in meaningful dialogues to explore ways to improve these strategies.

Q&A and open discussions

WHIPIC plans to continue fostering understanding and enhancing international cooperation in heritage interpretation strategies through capacity-building projects and seminars.

Q&A and open discussions

International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites

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