Promote research on heritage interpretation

Conduct international research on major concepts, theories, issues, and policies for the interpretation and presentation of World Heritage, make proposals, provide consulting, and support professional training

Carry on research on the concepts and theories of heritage interpretation and presentation, subjects, cases, and policies, conduct convergence research and build research infrastructure 

Facilitate and support international discussions for World Heritage interpretation and presentation to bring about substantial change and ensure its systematic and political implementation 

Theoretical Research on World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation


- Establishing the concepts and theoretical backgrounds of heritage interpretation and presentation

- Overarching research on heritage interpretation and presentation for concepts and definition, principles, and guidelines

- Providing governance system and future directions for World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation based on theoretical research

- Study on concepts of ‘heritage interpretation’ (objects, goals, effects, etc.)

- Establishing draft definition of ‘heritage presentation’ and key concepts

- Building and bolstering an academic network in the field of heritage interpretation and presentation


Definitions and Concepts of Heritage Interpretation


Definitions and Concepts of Heritage Interpretation and Presentation

Theme Research


Interpretation of UNESCO “Sites of Memory associated with Recent Conflicts” : Analysing its conflict structures and its classification

- Analysing the outstanding universal values (OUV), related conflict structures, and stakeholders of sites of memory associated with recent conflicts among UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

- Highlighting the need for an ethical and inclusive approach to heritage interpretation, especially for the heritage sites associated with recent historical conflicts.

A Comparative Study of the Expansive Role of Heritage in the Interpretation of Site(s) of Memory

- Research for Site(s) of Memory to explore its expansive/social role and to emphasize ethical heritage interpretation

2022 WHIPIC Roundtable


Solidarity in Heritage Interpretation and Presentation: sharing experiences, spreading lessons

- Emphasising ‘Solidarity’ among stakeholders in terms of heritage interpretation and presentation.

Research on Regional Issues of World Heritage Interpretation and Heritage Issue Monitoring


 Research on Interpretation Strategy for World Heritage Sites featuring Criterion (vi)

- Research on World Heritage criterion (vi) and Interpretation Strategy to establish an interpretation strategy of World Heritage sites having criterion (vi)

Research on the World Heritage Convention and Interpretation Policy


Heritage interpretation contributing to sustainable development

- Research on the World Heritage Convention and Interpretation Policy

- Research on the Implementation of Inclusive Heritage Interpretation Policy

- Research on the Future Directions for Heritage Interpretation and Presentation within the World Heritage system

 Identifying attributes as heritage interpretation

- A research on interpretation policy focusing on understanding the concept of attributes and the methodology of identifying attributes, while drawing up the relations between heritage interpretation and attributes identification

 World Heritage Interpretation Presentation Forum


2022 - Heritage interpretation for sustainable development: efforts, challenges and our future
2023 - Inviting Wider Participants to World Heritage Protection

- WHIPIC’s annual international forum, which shared methodology and practices of inviting wider participants to the World Heritage protection while hosting a youth workshop for inclusive heritage interpretation in Asian region

Research and design mid-to-long-term
development plans 


- Conduct research to come up with mid-to-long-term

  development plans for the Center 

- Lay the foundation for pilot projects

- Survey state parties of the World Heritage

  Convention about the need for heritage interpretation

< Research >

Create visions and strategies for the Center
Diagnose its competitiveness and propose measures to improve business effectiveness
Analyze the policy environment, including global discussions on international cooperation and the interpretation of World Heritage sites, and conduct studies on cases inside and outside of Korea 
Develop projects considering the functions of the Center and present program guidelines
Set up mid-to-long-term development plans (2021-2029) based on a strategic roadmap
Make organizational and operational plans
Conduct research on mid-to-long-term
business plans


- Come up with a future direction of the Center from

  mid-to-long-term perspectives, and do projects accordingly

< Business >

Make detailed amendments based on the results of the research project for mid-to-long-term development strategies
Set up a business plan based on the visions, missions, and major strategies
Make sure that projects of the Center are in line with its future direction 
Conduct sectoral research on
detailed mid-to-long-term strategies 


- Create basic data on detailed mid-to-long-term strategies to specify the activities of

  the Center by sector (Research, Education and Training, and Networks)

- Develop and plan major projects by sector that will be promoted during

  the early years of the Center

- Contribute to the diversification of mid-to-long-term businesses and effective

  operation of the Center, considering its expansion after the corporate body is launched

  in early 2022. Carry out a basic study on international research and research institutes

  on heritage interpretation 

< Research >

International research on heritage interpretation and research institutes
Basic research on heritage interpretation education and capacity building programs

International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites

2107, Hannuri-daero, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea

T. +82 44 251 1000    E.

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